How To Prevent Your Fridge From Freezing
Does food come out of your fridge covered in frost? Icy ingredients are a sure sign that the inside of your fridge is the wrong temperature. Luckily, a few common mistakes are usually to blame, which means frosty fridges are easy to rectify.
Answer these questions to figure out why your fridge is freezing:
1. Is it set at the right temperature?
2. Do you keep the door open for long periods?
3. Are there any gaps in the seal?
4. Is it too full?
5. Are the coils clean?
6. Do you put hot food inside?
7. When did you last defrost your appliance?
1. Is Your Fridge Set At The Right Temperature?
The first step to stopping your fridge from freezing is checking the temperature settings. If your appliance is too cold, it can quickly accumulate ice. Your fridge should be between 0˚C and 4˚C; lower temperatures can mean frozen food.
If your fridge is set to the wrong temperature, find the appliance controls and bring it up to within the recommended range. Traditional fridges have turnable dials, while modern appliances have digital displays that you can adjust with a tap.
Check your fridge a day after adjusting the temperature to ensure it’s changed.
Is Your Temperature Sensor Working?
If you adjust your fridge temperature and check in the next day to find it’s not changed, you might be dealing with a faulty sensor.
Pop a thermometer in your fridge to get a manual reading. If this doesn’t match what the sensor tells you, check for food blocking the sensor that could meddle with the results. If there’s no blockage, it might be time for a new sensor.
2. Do You Keep The Door Open For Long Periods?
It can be tempting to leave your fridge door open when unpacking groceries or collecting ingredients. Be careful you don’t leave your appliance for too long; warm room temperatures can create condensation inside your fridge, causing frost and ice to develop when you close the door.
3. Are There Any Gaps In The Fridge Seal?
Your fridge door seal is a protective layer between the outside air and your appliance interior. Any gaps or damage to the seal make your fridge work harder to maintain its temperature, which also means increased energy usage.
If you have ice in your fridge and think a damaged seal is the culprit, take some time to inspect the area, checking for signs of wear and tear. A worn-out seal is easy to replace, helping maintain a cool, dry fridge.
Have You Cleaned Your Fridge Seal?
Cleaning your fridge seal can help your appliance maintain the right temperature. We recommend wiping with a damp cloth and using gentle strokes to avoid damaging the seal. For more tips, check out our complete guide to cleaning your fridge.
4. Is Your Fridge Too Full?
Fridges are made for stocking groceries. But pack it too full, and you risk blocking the air vents and preventing air from circulating.
Fridge vents are at the back of fridge freezers; their job is to maintain the ideal temperature by circulating cool air. Stacking too much food in front of them gets in the way of your appliance's circulation, letting in colder air from the freezer compartment and leading to ice and frost.
Our TwinTech® No Frost Technology features independent cooling systems in our fridge freezers, ensuring optimum humidity and making frost a thing of the past.
How To Reorganise Your Fridge
To ensure proper circulation in your fridge, allow five inches of space around the vent. Spread out your food around the whole fridge to maintain the right temperature. Don’t forget to use drawers and storage baskets to help keep your fridge clutter-free and organised.
5. Have You Cleaned Your Condenser Coils?
Condenser coils draw heat out of fridges. If they’re dirty, your appliance will be overworked. Luckily, these coils are easy to clean with a few household items; read our fridge-cleaning guide to learn how.
6. Do You Put Hot Food Straight Into Your Fridge?
Hot or warm food should never be put inside a fridge; heat can alter the appliance’s temperature, causing frost or ice. To chill your leftovers, let them cool before popping them into your fridge.
If your fridge has a Coolmatic function, you can turn this on to quickly cool down warm foods. Just remember to switch it off when it’s served its purpose to avoid an incorrect temperature.
7. When Did You Last Defrost Your Fridge?
If ice has built up over time, consider defrosting your fridge to eliminate frost. Defrosting is also a great time to deep clean your appliance inside and out.
Are you unsure how to defrost a fridge? This is the same process as defrosting freezers, as explained in our handy guide.